Matt Dixon



Lawn Care… It’s my passion, and the family business!

My journey in lawn care began in 2001 when I began working with my dad right out of high school, at the lawn service he was a salesman for. I quickly began to develop my skills and a passion for beautiful healthy lawns. At the end of that year my dad convinced me to start a lawn care service of our own.

In 2002 Common Sense Lawn Care was born! Sadly my Dad passed away in April of that year and in June I decided that the company was more than I could manage at 19 years of age, and I closed it down. However, that experience was the catalyst for what would become a successful career in lawn care.

Later that year. I chose to enroll in the Turfgrass Science Program at The Ohio State University, with the goal of gaining the knowledge to be Dayton’s most qualified lawn service provider. In 2005 I did an internship with one of the local companies. I liked them and they liked me, so I committed to return after graduation. I graduated with Bachelor’s Degree in 2006.

In June of 2006 I began my career with that company, working as a route manager in Beavercreek and surrounding areas. From 2006-2011 my passion for great lawn care grew the business in that area, so much so, that the company decided to open a north Dayton branch to better service the business I had developed. Naturally, I was chosen to be the Branch Manager of that office. From 2012-2019 I grew the branch, nearly quadrupling it’s size in that time.

Regrettably, in this day and age, the professional lawn service person has become an endangered species. Recruiting qualified employees could not keep up with growth, and I could no longer, with good conscience, sign my name to the work that was being done out of my office. Frustrated, I decided to return to my true passion, growing customer relationships and great looking lawns.

Now in 2020 my career has come full circle. To honor my father and the passion he gave me for the lawn care industry, I felt it was only appropriate to name my service after the company we started together, the experience that solidified my career as a lawn care professional…Common Sense Lawn Care!

Please allow me to share my knowledge, experience, and passion with you. I look forward to the opportunity to build a relationship with you and grow a beautiful, healthy lawn that you can be proud of. The best results come from working with a true professional…Its Common Sense!